book is the introduction manual for the proper use of the Acu-Ki and the Happy-Feet. It is
written in a clear format simplifying the concepts of Acupressure. Summary points are
included for 100 of the most common conditions. Besides
regular body acupressure points, three other acupressure systems found in the ear, hand and
feet are critical for the relief of many problems. Detailed descriptions are included here
for using of all these miniaturizations of the body for treatment. (48 pages)($8.95) +
S&H in USA (Non USA cost will vary)
ACUPRESSURE: RECIPES. This book has the eight most important points for
200 of the most
commonly known conditions that respond well to acupressure. It is a summary of over 250
different acupuncturist recommendations for treating these symptoms and diseases. The
complete detailed body pictures of the 14 main meridians and written point descriptions
make it easy to find 360 main body points
for treatment. (44 pages)($8.95) +
S&H in USA
(Non USA cost will vary)
Acupressure Fundamentals This book is designed to be a low cost introduction to acupressure that identifies a self healing system using 20 traditional acupressure points that can be stimulated to address over 270 symptoms. (The Ancient Wisdom book above emphasizes the use of reflexology points on the ears, hands and feet.) This portable 4" x 6" booklet can be used while traveling, camping, walking or working. It has links to over a 1000 pages of information on the internet. This system is ideal for an affordable health care program. (48 pages)($4.95+S&H) (Non USA cost will vary)
Temporary link to Acupressure Fundamentals STRESSAWAY ACUPRESSURE. Here is a combination of the three books above plus the primary points
for over 4000 common symptoms and diseases found in the literature. The system
of acupressure that has developed over the last 25 years called "Stressaway
Acupressure" is clearly stated here for the first time. It has an
expanded section on all recommended auriculotherapy points on the ear from Terry
Olesons' latest book. All of the latest methods that the author has used
successfully with thousands of people are clearly outlined here.
Primary points for more than 4000 common symptoms and
diseases found in the literature selected from over 400 master
acupuncturist.. Also points found on the ear for over 300 symptoms .
Here is a combination of the three books above plus the primary points
for over 4000 common symptoms and diseases found in the literature. The system
of acupressure that has developed over the last 25 years called "Stressaway
Acupressure" is clearly stated here for the first time. It has an
expanded section on all recommended auriculotherapy points on the ear from Terry
Olesons' latest book. All of the latest methods that the author has used
successfully with thousands of people are clearly outlined here. 380 pages ($28.00) +S&H in USA (Non USA cost will vary)
ACUPRESSURE VIDEO This is a class given by Monte Cunningham outlining the most
important concepts to successfully use acupressure. Based mostly on the book
"Acupressure: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Day Healing." ($24.95) +
S&H in USA (Non USA cost will vary)
Links to a shortened YouTube version is found here.
How I Stopped The Pain With Acupressure Outlines the research design and report that demonstrates how effective Acupressure is for pain. Abstract link is here. 38 pages E- book $7.95;
Primary point pictures and written discription for symptoms most frequently requested by people using acupressure. In an easy format developed by our Computer Acupressure Program from our Acupressure Comprehensive. Includes pictures of points from regular acupressure points and those on the hands, ears, and feet. Sample here. 600 pages E-Book ($7.95); + (S&H) (Non USA cost will vary)
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