Acupressure Points for Common Symptoms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Click on the letter to see the symptom. This form shows the individual point picture and a written description that you can download to view or print for your own personal use. When available the pdf form shows you the points on the ear, hands, and feet for these conditions. If your condition relates to a specific part of the body or organ and there are no micro points (reflexology) specified in your printout refer to the ebook "Acupressure: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Day Healing" for the points on the ear, hands or feet that relate and add those to your treatment routine. If you do not find your condition in this list contact us and we will add your symptom to this system. The pdf files are adobe files and if you do not have adobe reader you can download it with the icon at http://www.adobe.com http://www.adobe.com Information on how to find the points and how to measure a "cun" are found here.
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